Hazleton Area students speak up for students who don’t know English at state hearing:
Albert Ortiz said he had to speak to a state panel for students who can’t speak in English because they’re not learning the language before they graduate from Hazleton Area School District.
Programs that teach English as a second language are lacking, and students who earned As in the Domincan Republic are getting Ds in Hazleton Area schools where classes and tests are in English, Ortiz said to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, which met Monday at Hazleton One Community Center. READ MORE HERE
HIP’s Executive Director featured on news:
HIP’s is very proud of our Executive Director, Rossanna Gabriel, who was featured on this news story for Hispanic Heritage Month. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE STORY.
HIP presents at Phila PALC
Rossanna Gabriel and Debbie Mills presented and attended Greater Philadelphia/Latino Nation 2024, Pennsylvania Latino Convention of the Tri-State Area (PA-DE-NJ); presented by Highmark on October 6-8th. Presenting with Geisinger's Allison Hess, Vice President of Health Innovations, Rossanna and Debbie shared HIP— the center's history, the programs offered, and HIP’s EFI/Eradicating Food Insecurity programs including Geisinger's Fresh Food Farmacy.
HIP announces a new education program for area youth—INSPIRE-U:
HIP is thrilled to present INSPIRE-U, an education program that focuses on the well-being of middle school and high school students. Funded by a grant from our community parter American Eagle, INSPIRE-U is an exciting new venture for HIP aimed to assist students to engage with their peers to build a strong self, family, and community.
With the assistance of community experts, students will focus on Mental/Emotional well-being, Physical health and Personal Safety, gaining knowledge in how to feed the body so that it performs at its peak, developing skills to be employable, financially responsible, and self-sufficient as well as empowered to practice self-care to balance the growing challenges that students face in school and in the community.
Each course runs 7 weeks from 6-7:30pm—students in grades 7-9 meet on Wednesdays, and grades 10-12 meet on Thursdays. Snacks, Friends, Sharing, Service, Knowledge, Skill-Building, and Fun are all part of the INSPIRE-U experience.
We are still accepting participants for this first session; our second session will begin early 2025. To register or for more information about HIP’s INSPIRE-U click here.
HIP’s Community Dinner reaches milestone!
HIP’s September Community Dinner served 550 meals—the largest ever since the program’s inception last May! 👏👏 👏 A big THANK YOU to volunteers from Henkel and Lineage for help at our September dinner. Join us October 18th for our next Community Dinner starting at 4pm in the basement cafeteria at the Hazleton One Community Center. We are grateful to all of our community partners, volunteers, friends and staff—especially to Maritza and Olga who lead our amazing kitchen team—none of this would be possible without your hard work and dedication.
We look forward to seeing you the third Friday of every month…everyone is welcome, the dinner is FREE to all! Read more about HIP’s EFI initiative here.
Geisinger holds Hypertension Screening event at HIP:
Geisinger/Community Care held a health screening event at the Hazleton One Community Center on September 20y. 145 community members received blood pressure screenings, those who needed advanced screening or had additional questions were guided appropriately. Attendees also received brochures, mini first aid pouches, pens and pill organizers. HIP was proud to partner with Geisinger to host this important health event for the community.
HIP’s Eradicating Food Insecurity (EFI) Open House, May 29, 2024!
HIP has served 269,574 meals to our neediest people since May 19, 2023! This amazing work was done through our Eradicating Food Insecurity Initiative; HIP has been working steadily to end food insecurity altogether in our city with the help of a 3-year grant awarded to HIP and supported by U.S. Congressman Matt Cartwright.
On May 29 we held an Open House for EFI—Congressman Cartwright attended along with HIPs co-founder Joe Maddon. Several dignitaries and industry leaders were also in attendance: PA State Senator Dave Argall, PA State Representative Dane Watro, U.S. Senator Bob Casey’s Regional Director Patti Monahan, Risant Health CEO Dr. Jaewon Ryu, Geisinger CEO Dr. Terry Gilliland, and LVHN Hazleton Vice President Melissa Curto. As well as HIP staff and student volunteers. Read More About EFI here.
HIP’s Eradicating Food Insecurity food insecurity program is supported by HIP Corp United, which is a group of high-achieving high school students from the Greater Hazleton area tasked with critically examining food insecurity and social justice issues in our region. read more about HIP CORP UNITED here.

EFI and Student Volunteers
HIP Corp United students are featured in this story about our Eradicating Food Insecurity open house event from May 2024.
Times-Leader / EFI article
This article feastures our (EFI) Eradicating Food Insecurity open house which was held May 29, 2024.
HIP & Geisinger's Fresh Food Farmacy
HIP has partnered with Geisinger Health to provide fresh food as a prescription to improve health outcomes for those suffering from conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
WVIA / EFI article
Over 270,000 meals have been served since HIP’s EFI initiative began; click below to read more about this ‘astounding’ outreach.
Check out this cool Television piece featuring HIP!
How the Hazleton Integration Project uses language to connect with students
In this clip from Keystone Edition Reports, learn how the Hazleton Integration Project uses language to connect with students.