Make a Donation
Check Payable to:
Hazleton Integration Project (HIP)
225 East 4th. St.
Hazleton, PA 18201
Donate before or on #GIVINGTUESDAY! Support your local charities!
Your donation to HIP will directly support our mission of providing educational, athletic, and cultural opportunities for children from economically disadvantaged families.
On Behalf of Joe Maddon, the staff of HIP, and the children we serve, we thank you for your generosity. Without your support, we could not continue moving forward and being a positive in the lives of so many children.
*HIP is designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization. As such, your contribution may be eligible as a charitable donation. Please check with your accountant or tax specialist.
To support a specific project or to donate in honor or in memory of someone, please contact us at hip1@hip1.org.