HIP Eradicating Food Insecurity Initiative
Video on our EFI Initiative: Fresh Food Farmacy, Community Dinners, Food Distribution and No Hungry Children programs are featured, along with our HIP Corp United students.
During COVID, it became apparent that many families in our area were food insecure. By creating programs and forming key partnerships, HIP has been working steadily to end food insecurity altogether in our city with the help of a 3-year grant awarded to HIP and supported by U.S. Congressman Matt Cartwright.

The mission of the Eradicating Food Insecurity (EFI) initiative is to utilize a STEAM-based education model to eradicate food insecurity in the Greater Hazleton Area. This initiative will focus on expanding partnerships with several existing food programs while creating new programs that directly impact food insecurity and other societal issues affecting our community.
HIP's model is to enable students to analyze and drive solutions for the root causes of food insecurity in the Hazleton area. A select group of high-achieving high school student volunteers from HIP Corp United are working collaboratively, providing insight and critical examination of this issue, as well as other social justice issues. Equipped with the latest technological tools, resources, and professional mentorships, these student-led committees will maximize innovative approaches and drive solutions in the communication, legislation, logistics and food supply chain processes. Additional emphasis will focus on the impact of food insecurity and poverty on mental health.
HIP CORP Students completed several projects: Untold Stories Documentaries, Pavilion Food Distribution Center and Van Wraps which were unveiled in our May 2024 event. Click here to read more about HIP CORP UNITED or watch this video below:
Central to our Eradicating Food Insecurity Model is fostering several partnerships with existing programs across the state and nation; and creating new programming options to support all facets of food insecurity challenges within our community.
These include:
HIP EFI Weekly Food Distribution: Working with CEO and the Weinberg Food Bank, HIP’s weekly food distribution currently serves over 325 families with both shelf stable and fresh foods, and we anticipate increasing that to 500 families by the end of the year.
HIP EFI No Hungry Children: Through a collaboration with the Wilkes-Barre Dinners for Kids, HIP provides healthy, culturally appropriate, microwaveable meals to hundreds of underserved children six days a week.
HIP EFI Community Dinners: HIP's partnership with the Soul Kitchen provides a sit-down dinner serving over 450 people in our center, the third Friday of every month.
HIP EFI Take Home Chef: HIP has partnered with Fork-Over-Love and local restaurants distributing 800 take-out meals each month via drive-up / “car-hop” distribution system.
HIP EFI Fresh Food Pantry:
HIP is partnering with Geisinger Health Systems as a Satellite office for the Fresh Food Farmacy program providing fresh food as a prescription to improve health outcomes for those suffering from diabetes and other chronic illnesses.
Coming soon is a Maternal Health program partnering with Lehigh Valley Health Network addressing nutritional needs with the goal of reducing maternal death or illness while pregnant and post-pregnancy, up to two years.
The Eradicating Food Insecurity initiative is the recipient of 11 endorsements from elected officials, business groups, social service organizations, and universities.
We have also received generous support from MUZO for equipping our new STEAM lab with their technologically-advanced, functional education furniture.
We are grateful for our community partners! If you wish to support HIP’s Initiatives through volunteer service or monetarily, please contact: Rossanna Gabriel, Executive Director or Dr. Debbie Mills . To sponsor a Soul Kitchen Community Dinner click here to fill out the form, return to: Bob Curry.

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