!LOVE and !HOPE Murals by Christina Galbiati
“With #HOPE and #LOVE
I was fortunate to work with the uber-talented HIP students that assisted with the installs; many thanks to Angel Pujois, Emanuel Ruiz, Yamil Nader (!HOPE), and Dylan Riofrio (!LOVE), for all of their hard work!”
“Each mural showcases uplifting words and energetic rainbow color palette; the overall aesthetic is inspired by my ‘LOVE We Shall’ collage art series. The stencil words are both symbolic (reductive familiar letterforms representing bill posting/street art), and practical (spray paint and stencil process makes it accessible for anyone, regardless of background or interest in art, to assist); and the brick texture is unusually rough, so spray paint is the only medium applicable for this surface.
As a graphic designer, I often focus on word as image; as an educator, I care deeply about introducing kids and young adults to the world of art and design— I am grateful for the opportunity to work with the HIP students, and make a small contribution to my hometown with these inspirations at the forefront (…this mural series will be ongoing, stay tuned!)” - Christina Galbiati, artist
You can read more about the murals here.
“!LOVE” Mural by Christina Galbiati

“!HOPE” Mural by Christina Galbiati